Monday, April 16, 2012

Earth Day Contest Results

Hello Chobots,
The Earth Day Video Contest has came to an end! 4 lucky Cho's out of 24 have won!
First Place: Thegirlonfire | Prizes:  5000 bugs, 10 days of citizenship, camera

Good job Thegirlonfire!

Second Place: Lauren | Prizes: 5000 bugs, 10 days of citizenship, camera

Good job Lauren!

Third Place: Kaicooper | Prizes: 5000 bugs, 10 days of citizenship, camera

Good job Kaicooper!

Fourth Place: Iamtheunknowncho | Prizes: 5000 bugs, 10 days of citizenship, camera

Wow! Nice videos Thegirlonfire, Lauren, Kaicooper and Iamtheunkowncho! Actually, you all guys did an amazing job! This includes:
9snoopy9 Awesomez1 Betamichael Cnandcc
Cyanny Cyberwolf Daniellecasey Darth
Icedark Icestormz Iepure Jammy
Jamyoos Littlek324 Mrsandbox Nothing
Pancake Thegreatgirl Thrasher Trillionaire

Chobots shown above get: 3000 bugs and 3 days of citizenship! More contests will come in the near future!




Track Arthur

Track Berry

Track Icestormz